What are Handshake TLDs, and Why Does it Matter
The domain name system (DNS) is an integral part of the internet. It allows people to comprehend web URLs and locate web pages on the internet. For browsers to load online pages, the Domain Name System (DNS) links domain names to IP addresses. Every internet-connected device has its own numerical Internet Protocol (IP) address, which other devices use to locate the device. If this system is not in place, users will constantly have to enter lengthy numerical Internet Protocol (IP) addresses to find each specific website they desire to access. With the domain system, common phrases, like Fortinet.com, can now be entered into browsers without the need to know each website’s IP address.
The conventional domain system that we are used to today is regulated by a hierarchical structure of registrars. These centralized organizations are in charge of giving different websites their domain names. However, all of these domain registrars report to ICANN, the sole agency in charge of TLD issuance and administration. ICANN operates at the root-level domain, the highest point in the domain system hierarchy. As a result, a $200,000 fee must be paid to ICANN to apply for a TLD. In contrast, the supply of TLDs is not as restricted in the handshake domain because it operates an open auction system based on blockchain technology. It establishes a distributed and decentralized system that everyone can access.
What are Top-level domains (TLDs)
To make the internet easier to use and remember, there are top-level domains (TLDs) for domains like .com, .org, .edu, .io, etc. They are also known as domain extensions which help to further distinguish and categorize domains by their purpose, the owner, or geographical origin.
In conventional web architecture, ICANN is entirely responsible for granting and monitoring TLDs. While the necessity for a control agency such as ICANN is vital, the problem with this arrangement is that it transfers too much authority to a single institution such as ICANN. They decide which top-level domains are permitted, resulting in a limited system in which users must pay an annual registration fee. No website or domain is free from a third party like ICANN under this arrangement; they have the authority to censor, and no website can run without authorization. With this one control point, users have little to no authority and no privacy or control over their personal data.
What’s the point of a blockchain-based system like Handshake
There is undoubtedly a need for a different system that is more dispersed and decentralized, given all the flaws in the centralized system run by ICANN. Blockchain domains like Handshake seem to be the ideal answer to this centralized system. These systems are more dispersed and decentralized, shifting authority away from a central control point because they are built on blockchain technology.
Blockchain domains (Handshake, Unstoppable, and Ethereum Domains)
Blockchain domain systems are naming protocols powered by blockchain technology. They are decentralized databases that contain domain registration information and are operated by a network of computers. This improves its security and resilience to censorship. In simple terms, a blockchain domain is a decentralized domain in which data may be kept in various locations rather than on a single server. This approach promotes decentralization since there is no control point, allowing for free access, user control, and security.
There are quite a number of blockchain-based naming protocols at the moment. However, among the various options available, Handshake domains, along with unstoppable and Ethereum domains, have shown to be the most promising thus far. However, among these three, Handshake appears to be the frontrunner in the race to decentralization because it manages root-level domains and also issues TLDs as ICANN does.
Therefore, it appears that Handshake is ICANN’s only major adversary. In other words, the primary function of Ethereum and Unstoppable Domains is to replace cryptocurrency addresses with human-readable URLs to streamline cryptocurrency payments. However, the ability to establish alternative-root top-level domains makes handshake domains appear superior to Ethereum and Unstoppable domains. With Handshake, the top-level domain registrants have complete control over their TLDs. They can even let other people buy second-level domain names using them.
Handshake Blockchain TLDs
Handshake is a decentralized peer-to-peer naming protocol built on blockchain technology intended to serve individuals rather than centralized organizations. It is a web 3.0 initiative that creates a replacement for existing certificates and centralized agencies in charge of top-level domain registration and management. Top-level domains (TLDs) can now be registered, transferred, and updated using Handshake. Thus, more flexibility, privacy, and security are offered. The following are a few advantages of handshake top-level domains.
Expansion of the TLD Space
Internet users have the freedom to function autonomously thanks to handshake blockchain TLDs. It opens up the domain namespace, making it possible for users to be able to create new top-level domains. In simple terms, with Handshake, anyone can now get a TLD.
Unlike traditional domains, which rely on third-party SSL certificate providers for encryption, Handshake blockchain TLDs are constructed with security in mind. A decentralized system, such as Handshake, is spread across the blockchain, making hacking more difficult. In fact, alternative decentralized domain protocols such as Ethereum and Unstoppable domains were not designed with the level of security in Handshake, making them more vulnerable to the activities of crypto kids, slowing it down.
Users are granted entire ownership of their domain names with Handshake. It’s as easy as that: whoever has the key to the domain name controls the name.
Handshake does not employ a WHOIS model (a popular Internet record listing that indicates who owns a domain and how to contact them) like the conventional domain system where ICANN oversees and controls domain ownership. You don’t need to give any information to register a handshake domain. Hence there is no centralized surveillance or censorship.
Handshake expands the domain namespace, allowing users to build new top-level domains that are more secure and free of monitoring or control. It is an appropriate decentralized alternative to the conventional centralized system.